Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Earth Day in Summit View and Copper Mesa

Project WET Colorado hosted Earth Day Assemblies at Copper Mesa and Summit View Elementary Schools in Highlands Ranch. These assemblies featured speakers Creigh Kelly and Tracy Bouvette who discussed water use here and in Africa, and the importance of water in our daily lives. The children were presented with the Project WET activity "Drop in the Bucket" (upsized for the stage) which focused on the amount of fresh water available for brushing our teeth and watering the dog worldwide. It was met with many ohs and ahs!

The school children were then allowed time for questions and answers. Questions such as "why is the world round" and "how long will the water cycle continue" had science teachers laying low and english teachers giggling. But our speakers braved the storm and took on all comers. We expect to be invited back next year, so it appears that we were well received.